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His Work

Hi everyone!

Most of you are pretty familiar with my cake company and have been loyal followers as I continue in this endeavor to help people share relationship with each other over a slice of cake. If that’s you, thank you for meeting me here to follow me into this next (and a little scary) chapter for Whisk n' Batter.

For those of you who are just now finding me, welcome! I am so glad you are here.

Recently, I have felt the Lord pushing me to become a little more vulnerable and use this ever-growing platform to glorify Him. I have had the privilege of seeing Him work in my clients' lives and I wanted to start sharing those stories with you-- my cakes' biggest fans! I want this page to be a place that shows all the reasons I feel so lucky/humbled/giddy/excited/passionate/empowered that Jesus is doing all He is with Whisk n' Batter. I have the incredible opportunity to hear people's stories and see his undeniable presence, which has grown my faith so much. I thought it was about time to start sharing those stories with you.

This cake thing is no longer just a hobby. This cake thing has been swooped up by Jesus and transformed into an enormous opportunity to glorify His work in all of us.

I prayerfully hope this page becomes a place where we can come and see a bigger, better, more intentional God. I hope that these stories increase your faith they way they have mine. I hope that the way God works in the lives of my amazing clients can give you hope for the way He also can work in yours. I hope this can be a place where sugar isn't added (no pun intended) and the realness of Jesus's companionship is recognized and glorified. I hope that we can understand a little more how vast His work is in the lives of others and walk away feeling a little more lucky/humbled/giddy/excited/passionate/empowered about who He is and how great His love for his people are!!

Can't wait to see how He bakes Himself in all of this!



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